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WinDirLister eliminates a basic lack of Windows: you cannot save a folder`s contents or the result of the Find function in a text fil
 » Home » Utilities » File Management » WinDirLister
Company: SeySo PC Service
License: Shareware
System: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 771KB
Date Released: July 11, 2002
Price: $15
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1278
Date added: Sep 28, 2005
Click here to Download
WinDirLister eliminates a basic lack of Windows: you cannot save a folder`s contents or the result of the Find function in a text file. Now this gap is filled by WinDirLister.

WinDirLister lists a folder`s contents on a local or network disk (floppy disk, hard disk, CD-ROM, DVD, ZIP drive, removable disk) and saves the list in a text file or in a csv file (for table calculations). You can do a search for specific files. You can list all folders or only those containing specific files. For specifying file names wild cards like * and ? are permitted. You also can see the structure of one or multiple folders. You can select all or only specific properties of files and folders.

System requirements: PC with i486 CPU or better; Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP; hard disk with about 1 MB free space; Shareware; 15 Euro or USD


So far, nothing for that!


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Computersimulation Dr. Erhard Regener | 1850KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $19.00 | Downloads: 1263
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
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