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Currently, there are at least 50 CD burning utilities available online and on the store shelves. Almost all of them are clumsy, diffi
 » Home » Utilities » File Management » CDuke 2.1 FREE DOWNLOAD
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Currently, there are at least 50 CD burning utilities available online and on the store shelves. Almost all of them are clumsy, difficult to understand and quite unfriendly to the beginners. Are you one of many users who are tired of CD burning utilities that require a PhD in Computer Science to operate? Then you should try CDuke! Why?

CDuke is a simple, common sense data, audio and photo CD burning utility that is totally free of annoying dialog windows and endless confirmation requests. In fact, this application is so simple - anyone can use it right away without any special training or having to read manuals and tutorials.

This is how CDuke works – insert a CD, select files to place onto a CD, press a button – that’s it! Easy, isn’t it? The progress bar shows how much time has passed since the process had started and how much time is left for it to be completed.

But the advantages of CDuke do not stop here. Importantly, the program comes with an autopilot-like feature that controls disk usage and prevents CD from becoming corrupted as a result of surplus data and incorrect available space calculations.

In addition, the program comes with advanced options that allow experienced users to fine-tune the process of CD burning to achieve the desired results.

Also, the program features a built-in image viewer, which comes in very handy and is very popular among the digital camera owners. Moreover, many professional and amateur photographers select CDuke as their default photo CD application over high-profile software titles with large marketing budgets.
CDuke is distributed electronically and is available for free trial.

Get your copy now!
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 » MP3TagEditor 2.04
MP3TagEditor is an intuitive audio utility that helps you to manage your mp3. By means of MP3TagEditor you can easily edit ID3 tags, create mp3 filenames and mp3 directories from ID3 tag, retrieve album information using FreeDB function. Possibility of pl ...
MP3Developments | 1467KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $18 | Downloads: 1248
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Advanced File Organizer 2.61
Advanced File Organizer is a powerful yet easy-to-use cataloging utility that helps you find any file stored on a removable media or on your hard drive in a matter of seconds. Advanced File Organizer supports all kinds of media recognized by Windows as dr ...
SoftPrime Development | 1667KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $29.95 | Downloads: 1341
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » PHOTORECOVERY® for Digital Media 3.0
With cost of digital cameras steadily dropping, and the quality of the images they produce increasing exponentially, more and more of us are forgoing traditional film cameras for the new generation of digital cameras. Older digital cameras used internal ...
LC Technology International, Inc | 5146KB | Win 98/ME/2000 | $39.95 | Downloads: 2174
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » AttributeMagic Pro 2.3 beta3
Utility to change file/folder date-time stamps and attributes. You can set or reset individual attributes, modify Accessed, Modified and Created dates, JPEG/EXIF metadata (Picture taken date, comments, etc.), MS Office document dates and properties. Ideal ...
Elwinsoft | 1393KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $25 | Downloads: 1362
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Hoo WinTail
Hoo WinTail is a real-time log viewer for Windows like the UNIX tail -f utility. It can be used to view the end of a growing file. It is ideal for viewing application traces or server logs in real time. You can view the last part of a large file without t ...
Hoo Technologies | $29.95 | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $29.95 | Downloads: 1341
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Archivarius 3000 3.28
Archivarius 3000 - is a full-featured application to search documents and e-mail on computer, local network and removable drives (CD, DVD and others). Documents can be searched by keyword or using query language, the same like in Internet search engines. ...
Likasoft | 4045KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $29.95 | Downloads: 1385
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » BKS
With the growing size of hard disks, the availability of external drives using USB connection at affordable price, synchronization of data becomes a real need for computer users as well for a professional environment as for home computing. Backup2005 Sy ...
RD Technologies | 4664KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $35 | Downloads: 1291
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Email Reserve 1.3
Many people do realize that they need a backup solution. But most applications available are way too complicated and complex, overwhelming users with ridiculous options that are rarely used. This is not the case with Email Reserve. First, Email Reserve c ...
Masterra | 1504KB | Win 98/ME/2000/XP | $14.95 | Downloads: 1305
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » WinCatalog Standard 1.36
WinCatalog Standard takes cataloging to the next level. This software is as easy-to-use and friendly as the Light version, but at the same time it is much more powerful and functional. Many features of this program were inspired by users` requests and ... | 1674KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $32 | Downloads: 1273
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » MCataloguer 2.1.9
MCataloguer is a Unicode based multi-purpose cataloging software for CDs, DVDs, audio CDs, any hard disk folder or any other accessible media using powerful management tools to search and access files from within the catalog. It can read audio album info ...
ApoliSoft | 3156KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $35.00 | Downloads: 1276
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » PDF Extract TIFF 1.6
PDF Extract TIFF software is a simple and affordable extraction tool that facilitates the reuse of PDF files by enabling you to extract images from PDF files and save them as TIFF images. You can then use or edit the images in other Windows applications s ... Inc | 934KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $59 | Downloads: 1247
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » PDF to Word Converter (PDF2Word) 1.6
PDF2Word(pdf to word) software enable export the text, images and other contents from pdf document into word document, so you can reuse your PDF content, pdf to word software will preserving text, layout and bitmap images in the generated word document. ... Inc | 864KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $39.95 | Downloads: 1355
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Image To PDF(PDF E-Book Maker) 1.80
Image2PDF Converter is an application program based on Windows platform, which can directly convert more dozens of image formats, such as TIF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PSD, WMF, EMF, PDF, PCX, PIC and so on, into PDF format, can support manifold conversion way ... Inc | 2381KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $38 | Downloads: 1219
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » View Folder Size Pro 4.11
View Folder Size Pro is the slim add-on utility for the Windows platforms. This highly configurable application enables you to view total file and folder size details right from Windows Explorer without having to switch to another application. And its unb ...
Moveax | 958KB | Win 2000/XP | $19.95 | Downloads: 1232
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » HandyFile Find and Replace: Office Edition 3.3.16
With the HandyFile Find and Replace: Office Edition you can quickly find and replace text in as many files as you want. This program with comprehensive and clear user interface will save you a lot of time that you spend daily for updating your files. It ...
SILVERAGE Software | 1639KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $34.45 | Downloads: 1342
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » FileAnt 20050830
FileAnt is a File Manager (like explorer) on tabs (like UltraEdit), it is also an Ftp Client and has nice features such as folder pie charts, and a viewer for commonly used file formats. It now loads almost instantly, uses very little memory. The Ftp Clie ...
OneHundredAngryAnts | 1937KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $30 | Downloads: 1311
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Select Folder Express 1.5
Select Folder Express is the fastest way you can access your files in the Windows Explorer.It can operate as the part of your context menu in your Windows Explorer. All you need to do is to right-click on your Explorer and the Select Folder option is disp ...
Eusing Software | 801KB | Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP | $14.95 | Downloads: 1278
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Schredit V1.0g
Why use schredit? After all, Windows allows you to delete files, documents, pictures and other data by simply dropping them into the trashcan and when you `empty the trash` those files are gone. Right? Wrong ! You just need to browse the internet, sharewa ...
Axis Controls Limited | 1491KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $15 | Downloads: 1277
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » EF Duplicate MP3 Finder 1.10
The EF Duplicate MP3 Finder is a useful program that help you to find out and remove duplicate audio files with same or similar properties, files that occupy so unnecessarily storage place on your computer or your server. In addition the program analyzes ...
EFSoftware | 1245KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $10 | Downloads: 1269
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
 » Attribute Manager 2.31
Ever need to change attributes (date and time of their creation etc.) of files and folders? Quickly? As you know, with Windows it`s tedious and slow. Not so with Attribute Manager! Attribute Manager allows you to change Read-Only, Hidden, System and Archi ...
MIKLSOFT | 950KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $19.95 | Downloads: 1307
Date added: Sep 28, 2005 |  » Details
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