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Mit diesem Tool ist es auf leichtem Weg möglich, das wirkliche Potential Ihrer Kunden und die Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen Ihres Vertrie
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Mit diesem Tool ist es auf leichtem Weg möglich, das wirkliche Potential Ihrer Kunden und die Wirksamkeit der Maßnahmen Ihres Vertriebes zu ermitteln.

Es gibt Ihnen eine Basis, um Kunden zu bewerten und einzuordnen. Sie erhalten wichtige und detaillierte Informationen, neue Blickwinkel zur Entscheidungsfindung bei Art und Umfang Ihrer Vertriebsaktivitäten. Erfahren Sie Verbesserungspotentiale, damit Ihr Vertrieb effizient, rational und individuell arbeiten kann.


Sie erhalten eine ausführliche Projektbeschreibung und Anleitung zur eigenständigen Durchführung des Projektes `Operatives Vertriebscontrolling`

Eingabe der Basisdaten

Das opt-e - Tool ermöglich die Eingabe der Basisdaten für Kunde und Produkte. Diese werden in die Datenbank gespeichert und stehen dann u.a. im opt-e - Tool `Kundenpotentialorientierte Vertriebsteuerung` zur Verfügung.


Die Applikation bietet die Möglichkeit, geplanten und tatsächlich erzieltem Umsatz miteinander abzugleichen.

Das heißt im einzelnen:

• Erstellung einer Absatzplanung für ein Wirtschaftsjahr

• den mitarbeiterbezogenen Ausdruck der Planung zur einfachen Zielerfüllung
• individuelle Auswertung der geplanten Daten

• die Erfassung der tatsächlich erzielten Ergebnisse (IST-Umsatz

• Abgleich zwischen geplantem und tatsächlich erzieltem Umsatz (Soll-/Ist-Vergleich)

Die Ergebnisse dieser Auswertung liefern Ihnen Ansätze zur Verbesserung Ihrer internen Vertriebsstrukturen und Abläufe und zeigen Ihnen den konkrete Handlungsbedarfe auf.


Auf einfachem und pragmatischen Wege ist die problembezogene, direkte Betrachtung von Defiziten und Schwachstellen durch die Untersuchung der Ablehngründe von Angeboten möglich. Im opt-e - Tool gehen Sie dabei wie folgt vor:

• Erfassung der Anzahl für erhaltene Anfragen, erstellte Angebote und gewonnene Aufträge

• Ermittlung von Quotienten für Angebote/Anfragen sowie Aufträge/Angeboten, zum Erkennen erster Schwachstellen

• Erfassung von Grund und Anzahl jedes abgelehnten Angebotes auf Kundenebene
• individuelle Auswertung der Ablehngründe zur Definition von Verbesserungpotentialen

• Kennzahlenbetrachtung zum Vergleich ermittelter Werte und weitergehender Betrachtung

Sie erhalten eine detaillierte Beschreibung zur Handhabung der Erhebungs-, Erfassungs- und Auswertungtools.
 « read more about opt-e - Vertriebscontrolling 1.2


 » Home  » Business » Applications (10) Select page: [1]
 » Easy Mail Plus 2.2
Type your message, and then just a few mouse clicks can fax it, print it, email it, prepare an envelope and print a label. Best of all, leave your printer settings alone! For mailing, just stick an envelope where the paper goes and let Easy Mail Plus han ...
Home Plan Software | 5353KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $49.95 | Downloads: 1860
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Patient Information Management 2004 2.0
P.I.M. 2004 is a Microsoft® Office add-in that allows professionals in the medical field to organize, schedule, and analyze patient information within a windows environment they are already accustomed to. P.I.M. adds customs forms and dialogs to run your ...
ABIS Incorporated | 3584KB | Win 98/2000/XP | $49.99 | Downloads: 1906
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Interactive Resume Builder 2004.6
Interactive Resume Builder by Higher Math helps you to document your job assignments. skills and training. The result is a beautifully laid out interactive html file with hyperlinks to important information about your career. Suitable for posting on your ...
Higher Math | 1755KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $15.95 | Downloads: 1949
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Excel to PDF Converter 3.0
Excel to PDF Converter is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by simply click the `Save as PDF` button from MS Excel, creating documents ...
pdf-convert, Inc | 6628KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $49 | Downloads: 1921
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » PPT to PDF Converter 3.0
PPT to PDF Converter is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by simply click the `Save as PDF` button from MS PowerPoint, creating docume ...
pdf-convert, Inc | 6652KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $49 | Downloads: 1890
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » WordFax 2.0
Easily Fax From Word with WordFax! Faxing from Word has never been so easy with WordFax. Finally, an add-on for Word automates faxing using any fax program on the market. WordFax automates faxing and printing hard copies all within Word for Windows. With ...
AMF | 482KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $24 | Downloads: 1991
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Appointment Book Network MLT Version 3.6.8
Appointment scheduler designed for use in networked professional practices and business offices. Services up to 20 consultants per book, with appointment lengths ranging from 10 to 240 minutes. Provides daily and weekly views, as well as printouts of indi ...
Itech Software | 3648KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $257.00 | Downloads: 2009
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Envelope Printer Manager Pro 2.1
Envelope Printer Manager Pro 2.1 will print a single or multiple address on to envelops. It will also import address from CSV lists - by: ... | 1732KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $19.95 | Downloads: 1914
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » GIPALS - Linear Programming Environment 0.8.2
GIPALS is linear programming environment that incorporates large-scale linear programs solver and easy, intuitive graphical user interface to direct specify or import and solve any type of constrained optimization problems arising in various industrial, f ...
Optimalon Software | 943KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $115 | Downloads: 1883
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » MyMASS 2004 1.001
Is your Microsoft Access data trustworthy? Does your database have unsafe structural flaws lurking under the hood? Do your employees complain about missing records? Then MyMASS will help you uncover these common mistakes made by untrained eyes. IntelliRel ...
IntelliRel | 3292KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $29.00 | Downloads: 1842
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Customer Manager Buddy 2.1
Manage customers and leads to increase sales and profits. It a complete system that is the application to track customer information such as contacts and customer notes. ... | 1585KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $19.95 | Downloads: 1861
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » PG Calculator (Second Edition) 2.2
PG Calculator is a powerfull scientific calculator and an excellent replacement for standard calculator. It ofers full customizable user inteface and looks like real calculator on user desktop. PG Calculator works in Algebraic and RPN modes. It works wit ...
P.Gridniew & J.Kornak | 1788KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $19.95 | Downloads: 1944
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » IDAutomation Security Fonts 4.9
Security Fonts are used to securely print text, names and currency amounts on highly secure documents, such as a bank check, in a manner that can not be easily altered and can prevent forgery. This package includes 4 separate Security Fonts in 6 differe ..., Inc. | 1810KB | Win 3.x/95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/CE | $49.00 | Downloads: 2019
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » FastStart Analysis Pack 5.0
The FastStart Analysis Pack includes fourteen simple analytical spreadsheet solutions designed to help you make quicker decisions for your office or home! All spreadsheets are Microsoft Excel compatible. The Ad Planner helps you work out a basic media pl ...
Village Software, Inc. | 3569KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $29.95 | Downloads: 1890
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Smart Database Viewer(Access,Excel,Oracle) 1.5
Smart Database Viewer has features which helps you to become mobile with your database. On your Microsoft windows based SmartPhone view MS Access, Oracle, Foxpro, dBase, MS Excel, MySQL and Any ODBC Compliant Database. You can view the database records in ...
Cellica Software Services | 528KB | Win | $14.95 | Downloads: 1936
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Accelerated Templates 1.2
Accelerated Templates enables fast creation for your daily Microsoft Word documents. The speed increases due to the saving you from redundant document modifications. No programming skills are required, supports default answers and auto-complete. You don ...
Scorpio Software | 1222KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $49.95 | Downloads: 2075
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Chess Puzzles by Katachess 3.0
Kata Chess is a system of basic chess positioning and movement exercises much like in karate or judo. Kata Chess focuses on pattern recognition by using a unique point and click interface. This is a serious training system for chess players who want t ...
Mousebed | 2441KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $14.95 | Downloads: 1935
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Pocket Database Viewer Plus(Access,Excel,Oracle) 2.5
Synchronize & View, Update, Manage Microsoft Access, Excel, Oracle, Foxpro, dBase, MySQL or any ODBC enabled database with Pocket PC. Get updated desktop data on device and device data on desktop automatically. Keep your desktop and Pocket PC database s ...
Cellica Software Services | 700KB | Win CE | $19.95 | Downloads: 1884
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Reboot Buddy 2.1
Reboot Buddy 2.1 automatically reboots the PC at the set time or on command. The application allows users to set multiple reboot times or reboot on Command, Reboot Buddy 2.1 allows user to Reboot, Logoff, Shutdown and also has a Force option ... | 1732KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $19.95 | Downloads: 1796
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
 » Barcode Wizard 4.1
Barcode Wizard 4.1 lets you make your on bar codes and export them to other windows applications. Its also lets you run it from a command line with a text file input, it can scan for a specific line and a barcode to it and print out the file with the ba ... | 1585KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $19.95 | Downloads: 1908
Date added: Sep 19, 2005 |  » Details
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