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Discover your Personality Type (Jung MBTI). Understand yourself and others. Flow with your natural powers, and make friends with your
 » Home » Education » Miscellaneous » Type TV Show 5.2
License: Freeware
Version: 5.2
System: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 2251KB
Date Released: September 5, 2004
Price: 0
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1223
Date added: Sep 23, 2005
Click here to Download
Discover your Personality Type (Jung MBTI). Understand yourself and others. Flow with your natural powers, and make friends with your other (dark) side. Become a better parent. Master the most popular and respected system of personality typology.

Get what you want from your life. Introvert or Extravert? Sensing or iNtuition? Feeling or Thinking? Right or Left Brain? Why do you enjoy some people, and not others? What makes you special? Get to know your whole personality, and learn how to communicate more effectively with other Types. See why you are naturally attracted to certain Types. Find out your favorite ways of perceiving and deciding. Identify your general survival strategy: expending or defending.

Do you like to proceed from whole to parts, or step-by-step from parts to whole? Is it dangerous to rely too much on your favorite side? See what is in store for you at mid-life so that you can make the transition gentle and productive. Learn how others see you, and how others see themselves. The 16 Type Codes and all of the key concepts of typology are presented with animations, pictures, and sounds.

Three Pictures of Personality visual sets (Decoders, Icons, Ponds) translate Carl Jung`s brilliant observations and the 16 MBTI Type Codes into images that are fun and easy to remember. Get a grip on the compass that secretly guides you day and night. In sum, the show is all about Knowing Thyself. (Remember? The Greeks saw that as an important part of growing up, and they made funny plays about the tragedy of Very Important People who failed to heed that thin slice of advice. Sad stories, but true.) FREE FOR PERSONAL USE; FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND NEVER EXPIRES. If you feel it in your heart, please send me $100 to nourish the future progress of the Type TV Show and the Pictures of Personality Visual Collection. OK? I appreciate your generous spirit. Love you! Enjoy the show, and thanks for watching. Stay tuned. -John Lopker


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