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This firewall-friendly FTP proxy allows multiple computers on your network to share Internet access via FTP in a secure environment.
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This firewall-friendly FTP proxy allows multiple computers on your network to share Internet access via FTP in a secure environment. It offers `install-and-forget` operation and superior stability. In a reverse-proxy mode it makes internal FTP servers on a firewall-protected private network accessible from the Internet, so users located beyond the firewall can transfer files to and from the network.

The Trilent FTP Proxy is an application-level proxy. It enhances network security by offsetting known vulnerabilities of the FTP protocol and offering many security promoting features, such as access control and event logging.

Once configured, the FTP Proxy works unobtrusively in the background and requires minimal attention. It is efficient, so there is no need to run it on a dedicated computer. Implemented as a Windows service, it requires Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. The service automatically starts when the computer is powered up - no user login is required. Consequently, the proxy can operate on unattended computers (in a server room).

This product has satisfied the Microsoft technical requirements and has earned the right to carry the `Designed for Windows` logo, a testimony to its quality.
Complementing a Web proxy, mail proxy, and a firewall, the Trilent FTP Proxy is an ideal solution for security-minded small network users.

Note: The current version of the software is an FTP-to-FTP proxy and cannot be used with Web browsers. To run the program you will need a free trial registration key from publisher`s Website.
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Fernpages | 300KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP/CE | $0.00 | Downloads: 1177
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