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ToolBar is a small utility that lets you launch your favorite programs from the Windows desktop. Click the left mouse button to launc
 » Home » Desktop » Program Managers » ToolBar 2000 6.6
Company: Gregory Braun
License: Shareware
Version: 6.6
System: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 688KB
Date Released: May 25, 2005
Price: $19.95
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1080
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 21, 2005
Click here to Download
ToolBar is a small utility that lets you launch your favorite programs from the Windows desktop. Click the left mouse button to launch an application or the right button to define a new ToolBar button. You can also drag and drop a file icon or shortcut directly onto the ToolBar to quickly define a new button.

ToolBar lets you organize your programs and utilities into 16 button groups. ToolBar is implemented as an AppBar window similar to the MS Explorer Taskbar and can be optionally configured to AutoHide itself. ToolBar can also be configured as a standard floating window with Taskbar tray access.


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