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Project Magician allows you to ensure that you`re including all the files you need to install your Windows application. With this pr
 » Home » Development » Distribution » Project Magician 2.0.0
Company: MagicSoft Solutions
License: 14-day Trial
Version: 2.0.0
System: Windows 95/98/NT
Size: 2.39 MB
Date Released: June 15, 2000
Screenshot: No Screenshot
Downloads: 1294
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 22, 2005
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Project Magician allows you to ensure that you`re including all the files you need to install your Windows application.

With this program, you simply run your Windows executable (created with any Windows development platform, such as VB or VC++) from Project Magician, and it tracks all the DLL`s, OCX`s, and other EXE`s your program uses. Once you`ve obtained a list of all the files your program uses, you can use just about any installation program (such as VB`s Package and Deployment Wizard) to build your setup.


So far, nothing for that!


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