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What is PERIMON? PERIMON is a contraception and family planning system for women from 18 to 45 years of age, that is easy to use and
 » Home » Education » Miscellaneous » PERIMON - Natural Family Planning 3.6.7
Company: ZANA digital
License: Freeware
Version: 3.6.7
System: Win 3.x/95/98/ME/2000/XP/CE
Size: 55KB
Date Released: July 5, 2005
Price: $0.00
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 892
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 23, 2005
Click here to Download
What is PERIMON?
PERIMON is a contraception and family planning system for women from 18 to 45 years of age, that is easy to use and reliable (it has successfully been used for contraception since 1996). PERIMON is a menstrual calendar which gives you insight into your cycle

For whom is PERIMON?
PERIMON is made for women from 18 to 45 years, who ...
- are interested in simple and time-effective natural birth control,- appreciate an open system that can be modulated to their individual needs,- want to perceive the various cyclic changes in their body
What is the difference between PERIMON and other cycle calendars?
To optimise its forecasts PERIMON calculates – in contrast to many other products – your actual cycle length and ovulation date. Furthermore PERIMON was designed with the focal point on safety. Whereas many other calendars only display statistical fertility values or designate too many days as infertile by default, PERIMON`s fertility data are based upon the analysis of your individual cycle

Is birth control with PERIMON safe?
It is. If you use PERIMON only with the rhythm method, we estimate the Pearl index to 4.0 (a good safety). If you additionally examine your mucus or cervix - which is easy to do - safety will increase up to 1.0 (details on our web site)

What is the disadvantage of PERIMON?
PERIMON only designates max. twelve days per cycle as infertile and it needs ca. 3-8 cycles before it starts with a prediction. These are the limitations of the rhythm method that can be broadened yet, as already mentioned above, by applying e.g. the cervical mucus observation (whenever required). AN ONLINE VERSION OF PERIMON CAN BE FOUND AT WWW.NATUERLICHE-VERHUETUNG.DE


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