More Than 250 High-Quality 32Bit File&FolderType XP Style Icons. We make Xp icons for commercial manufacturers. If you are a software developer, webmaster or user interface designer looking for high quality icons and glyphs for you software projects. You have come to the right place. It is hard enough to create user interface for your application without having to worry about icons. Today, it isn`t enough to have functioning application, your application also must look great. With our Magic X Icons you get: More Than 250 High-Quality 32Bit XP Icons. 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 72x72, 96x96, 128x128 pixels, alpha-blended icons that will improve your user interface no doubt about it! We provide icons in format: .ICO files for every icon in the package. Only best 32-bit high-quality color icons are included in this set. Our icons are royalty free, use them in all your applications without worry. |