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It is the first generic-purpose codeless visual programming system in the world. It can be used to create computer software without u
 » Home » Development » Tutorials » Limnor Codeless Programming System 3.3 FREE DOWNLOAD
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It is the first generic-purpose codeless visual programming system in the world. It can be used to create computer software without using computer languages.

Because developers can add their desired features to the Limnor system via Limnor SDK, virtually there is not a limit to what this system can do.
Limnor supports fundamental programming capabilities such as
Loop (recursive execution)
Branch (conditional execution)

User defined mathematic expressions supporting common mathematic operations and about 30 common functions and constants. Users may add any kinds of new math functions via DLLs.
Bitwise operations.
User defined logic expressions supporting AND, OR, NOT, >, >=, =,
 « read more about Limnor Codeless Programming System 3.3


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 » VBA Tutor (Part Two) 2c
VBA Tutor (Part Two) is an advanced tutorial that illustrates how to use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Microsoft Office 97. Eight lessons are included. The lessons include: intermediate skills, organizing data, string manipulation, math operator ...
GR SoftWare | 162 Kb | Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | | Downloads: 1223
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » FileExt 4
FileExt is a reference that lists of over 1500 file extensions and the applications that use them. Did you know that files with the WPM extension are WordPerfect Macros? Or that DBC files are FoxPro database containers? FileExt is a Windows Help file tha ...
R. E. Harvey | 42 Kb | Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | | Downloads: 1546
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Micro Control Simulator for Windows 2.3
Micro Control Simulator for Windows is a study aid for students of low-level programming. The simulator is based on the low eight bits of the 8086 chip. It can be single stepped or continuously run. The CPU registers and RAM contents are made visible. Th ...
C. Neil Bauers | 429 Kb | Windows 3.1 | | Downloads: 1155
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » GTAsciilator 1.0
GTAsciilator is an ASCII conversion chart that displays hex, decimal, octal and binary numbers. The chart is displayed as a keyboard. Clicking any character displays the corresponding decimal, hexadecimal, binary or octal equivalent. ...
Genotechs | 175 Kb | Windows 95/98/NT/2000 | | Downloads: 1519
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » File Formats Encyclopedia 2.0
File Formats Encyclopedia is a reference guide that describes technical details for over 300 file types. The guide provides detailed information about various graphics, sound, animation, MODule, communication, archive, spreadsheet, text and other file ty ...
Salvatore Meschini | 1.95 MB | DOS | | Downloads: 1525
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
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