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Legendary Tales consists of the Legendary Tales Engine (Engine) and the Legendary Tales Editor (Editor). With the Editor one can writ
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License: Freeware
Version: 1.6
System: Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Size: 2001KB
Date Released: August 28, 2005
Price: 0
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1132
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 24, 2005
Click here to Download
Legendary Tales consists of the Legendary Tales Engine (Engine) and the Legendary Tales Editor (Editor). With the Editor one can write text-based role-playing games that can be played with the Engine through a GUI. The Engine does not have a command line and the user acts with the use of a GUI but still all the action and course of the adventure is presented to the player as text.

The Engine also supports the loading of pictures and maps. The player can control a party of up to 6 player characters (PC) and each member can belong to a class and race much like in any other rpg game. The notable feature here is that the author of the adventure defines the races and thus making it possible for the adventures to take place in any medieval, swords and sorcery fantasy setting according to the preferences of the author. Some more features are the real-time combat, dual weapon wielding and the GUI inventory which makes it fast and easy to outfit a PC. The Editor is a visual environment for the creation of adventures.

No programming is needed for tasks such as adding and linking locations or creating monsters and items. The most important feature of the Editor is certainly the scripting support. The use of scripting adds great flexibility allowing the author to dynamically manipulate the game and create unique items, weapons and spells. As scripting language can be used either VBScript or JScript (Windows Scripting Technologies). For example an author using scripts can load maps and images when certain events happen, update the player`s journal with new quests, award quest experience points, program the dialog with the various NPCs and do much more.

The Editor finally produces a compressed file with all the data which can be distributed easily. The Editor also gives the option to an author to encrypt texts, images, scripts and data files to avoid cheating attempts by the players.


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