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LeaguePad is a football (soccer) and other sports league management software. It tracks and analyzes sport leagues in full details. Y
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LeaguePad is a football (soccer) and other sports league management software. It tracks and analyzes sport leagues in full details. You can create your own leagues and/or download leagues from within the software.

Generates hundreds of customizable statistics tables at the league level and on each team, each player and each referee. Statistics and league types can be customized, to allow support for various types of league/sports combinations (round-robin with or without knock-out stages, Conferences, etc.).

Allows to define and save custom queries, custom events and custom statistics. LeaguePad also includes a configurable result predictions module, allowing to select a forecast method and analyze the efficiency of each method against past match results.

Features a one-click Web site creation feature, that instantly creates a complete Web site with navigation menu featuring the league statistics that you select to display. LeaguePad is highly configurable and very easy to use.

It`s skinable user-interface allow you to activate any of the included skins or create your own skins. LeaguePad is available in English, French and Spanish.
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