Future Boy! is an adventure game unlike any you`ve ever played. It`s more than interactive fiction--it`s an interactive comic book, combining the excellent writing, rich story, and sophisticated game world of the best classic interactive fiction adventure games with original animation, illustrations, and music, plus a host of unique and unforgettable characters. Who is Future Boy? He`s an honest-to-goodness, leaping-tall-buildings-in-a-single-bound superhero, and the masked, cape-wearing protector of Rocket City. And you... ...are his roommate. But when Future Boy is captured by self-proclaimed criminal supergenius Clayton Eno, who is left to save Rocket City and everyone in it, without the benefit of superpowers, using only quick-thinking and a knack for overcoming obstacles in unexpected ways? You, that`s who. So check out some screenshots, watch the trailer, and play the demo. Superheroing`s his game. Adventure is yours. |