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Product ID for buy: 187803<BR> <BR>Filler is a new and exciting logical game. It is designed for all age groups. The goa
 » Home » Games » Patches & Updates » FILLER for Pocket PC (MIPS) 1
Version: 1
System: Win CE / Pocket PC
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: $12.95
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 1203
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 24, 2005
Click here to Download
Product ID for buy: 187803<BR>

<BR>Filler is a new and exciting logical game. It is designed for all age groups. The goal of the game is to capture a larger territory than your opponent.
<BR>The playing field is filled with small colored squares. At start, points of the players are situated on the opposite corners of the field. A randomly chosen player starts the game (when playing with computer the latter starts). To make a move, player should point out a color with the stylus on the playing field. After that your territory acquires a chosen color and all the nearby located small squares of the same color will be captured. Thus, your territory will constantly enlarge. The goal of the game is to capture a larger territory than your opponent.
<BR>Tip 1: Try to limit the capability of your competitor to select his most advantageous color.
<BR>Tip 2: First try to capture the territory sit


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