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In Sekunden gefunden! `Fähler egahl`! Normale Programme können nur buchstabengetreu suchen: Ist ein Buchstabe falsch - Pech gehabt. A
 » Home » Internet » Phone, Chat, and IRC » FACT-Finder für Outlook Vollversion [Download] 3.0
License: Shareware
Version: 3.0
System: Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: E49
Screenshot: No Screenshot
Downloads: 2718
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 25, 2005
Click here to Download
In Sekunden gefunden! `Fähler egahl`! Normale Programme können nur buchstabengetreu suchen: Ist ein Buchstabe falsch - Pech gehabt. Aber oft sucht man etwas, von dem man nur noch ungefähr weiss... FACT-Finder hilft: Sie suchen einfach so, wie Sie denken. Blitzschnell findet das Programm nun alles, was Ihrer Suche ungefähr entspricht. Dabei dürfen Abweichungen wie Einzahl/Mehrzahl, neue/alte Rechtschreibung, Tippfehler, Wortvertauschungen usw. vorkommen. FACT-Finder findet auch `Herrn Mayr`, wenn Sie `Meier` suchen, oder die `Konferenz für Nuklearphysiker`, wenn Sie `Nuklearkonferenz` eintippen.

Endlich finden Sie bequem und blitzschnell das Gesuchte und sparen sich wertvolle Zeit und Nerven!


So far, nothing for that!


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 » GlassRoom chat (100 users) Linux 3.1
GlassRoom is a web based chat system providing these capabilities and features: - Both server and client is implemented using Java so you can install your chat server on any platforms such as Windows, Linux, Apple Mac., ... and you can embed chat client ... | 0 | Unix / Linux Win NT/2000 | $499 | Downloads: 1208
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » GlassRoom chat (20 users) Linux 3.1
GlassRoom is a web based chat system providing these capabilities and features: - Both server and client is implemented using Java so you can install your chat server on any platforms such as Windows, Linux, Apple Mac., ... and you can embed chat client ... | 0 | Unix / Linux Win NT/2000 | $299 | Downloads: 1181
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » GlassRoom chat (200 users) Linux 3.1
GlassRoom is a web based chat system providing these capabilities and features: - Both server and client is implemented using Java so you can install your chat server on any platforms such as Windows, Linux, Apple Mac., ... and you can embed chat client ... | 0 | Unix / Linux Win NT/2000 | $699 | Downloads: 1212
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » GlassRoom chat (50 users) Linux 3.1
GlassRoom is a web based chat system providing these capabilities and features: - Both server and client is implemented using Java so you can install your chat server on any platforms such as Windows, Linux, Apple Mac., ... and you can embed chat client ... | 0 | Unix / Linux Win NT/2000 | $399 | Downloads: 1326
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » GlassRoom chat (400 users) Linux 3.1
GlassRoom is a web based chat system providing these capabilities and features: - Both server and client is implemented using Java so you can install your chat server on any platforms such as Windows, Linux, Apple Mac., ... and you can embed chat client ... | 0 | Unix / Linux Win NT/2000 | $999 | Downloads: 1218
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » GlassRoom chat (600 users) Linux 3.1
GlassRoom is a web based chat system providing these capabilities and features: - Both server and client is implemented using Java so you can install your chat server on any platforms such as Windows, Linux, Apple Mac., ... and you can embed chat client ... | 0 | Unix / Linux Win NT/2000 | $1499 | Downloads: 1248
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » GlassRoom chat (800 users) Linux 3.1
GlassRoom is a web based chat system providing these capabilities and features: - Both server and client is implemented using Java so you can install your chat server on any platforms such as Windows, Linux, Apple Mac., ... and you can embed chat client ... | 0 | Unix / Linux Win NT/2000 | $1699 | Downloads: 1255
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » WHMIC 1.8
WhMic is a multimedia program running on Windows whose purposes are: - The treatment of voice in order to enhance its quality and to facilitate its detection. - The bi-directional communication and the diffusion of voice, music and messages using TCP/IP. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $29 | Downloads: 1323
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kiwi CatTools - Site license [Company Site] 1.x.x
A Windows program that manages Cisco devices and performs automated config backups.Also supports Catalyst switches and 3Com switches. Also supports Foundry Networks, Extreme and 3Com devices. (HP and other devices to be added later.) ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $999 | Downloads: 1345
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kiwi CatTools - Site license [Company Country] 1.x.x
A Windows program that manages Cisco devices and performs automated config backups.Also supports Catalyst switches and 3Com switches. Also supports Foundry Networks, Extreme and 3Com devices. (HP and other devices to be added later.) ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $1999 | Downloads: 1197
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kiwi CatTools - Site license [Company Global] 1.x.x
A Windows program that manages Cisco devices and performs automated config backups.Also supports Catalyst switches and 3Com switches. Also supports Foundry Networks, Extreme and 3Com devices. (HP and other devices to be added later.) ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $2999 | Downloads: 1207
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » UniSent COM add-in for MS Outlook 2000/2002 (Unlimited Pack - Educational) 1.3
Outlook 2000 COM add-in for Exchange Server users who need to send mail from a second mailbox. The add-in ensures that messages sent with the second mailbox`s From address or deleted from the second mailbox stay in the Sent Items or Deleted Items folder o ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $1200 | Downloads: 2912
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » fax@MAIL 1.3
Efficient Message Management Unified Messaging means a concentration of different messaging methods in one central feature: your mail box. With fax@NET we offer you another element in our series of `integrated mail services`. fax@NET will receive your fa ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $99 | Downloads: 1190
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » ConPresso 3.x 3.4.5 [16.06.2003]
ConPresso 3.4 is a powerful Content-Management-System based on PHP and mySQL, which can be installed on your own server or rented webspace and integrated into existing websites within only minutes. Intuitive management and administration of content for a ... | 0 | Win 95Unix / Linux /NT/2000/XP | E275 | Downloads: 1209
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » PDA GSM Dialer conference for IR and Bluetooth 1.71
Finally! Phone Conference circuit completely simply. Very fast telephone connections for your Handy directly over Palm/PDA. Connection over IR and Bluetooth. Conference circuit - selection of several telephone partners for the initiation of a common Telep ... | 0 | Palm OS | E10 | Downloads: 1249
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » SuperSpamKiller Pro ohne Mail-Proxy (1-3 Lizenzen) 1.0
Mit SuperSpamKiller entfernen Sie lästige Spam-Mails (Werbemails), mit Viren, Würmern und Dialern versehene Mails aus Ihren Mail-Postfächern bevor Sie Ihre Mails vom Server abholen. SuperSpamKiller prüft in regelmäßigen Abständen Ihre Postfächer, weist Si ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E16.34 | Downloads: 1237
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » Bocazas Light 1.1
Bocazas is an applet program that runs on any webpage and operating system. If installed on your web page the visitors will be able to access any chat network, have public and private conversations simultaneously, direct connect to other users and send fi ... | 0 | Win 95NextStep Unix / Linux OS | E40 | Downloads: 1234
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » Bocazas Deluxe 1.1
Bocazas is an applet program that runs on any webpage and operating system. If installed on your web page the visitors will be able to access any chat network, have public and private conversations simultaneously, direct connect to other users and send fi ... | 0 | Win 95NextStep Unix / Linux OS | E75 | Downloads: 1264
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » WinParCom 2.1
WinParCom is a shareware program that allows you to transfer files from one computer to another via direct cable connection (using parallel port) ; but this application is for MS Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP. So far transfer speed is about ...
Ptt.yu | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $15 | Downloads: 1242
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
 » Instant Messenger Spellchecker 1.31
Instant Messenger Spellchecker is an ease-to-use application that adds spell-checking functionality to your favorite Instant Messenger. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $24.95 | Downloads: 1250
Date added: Sep 25, 2005 |  » Details
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