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,JS Aero Complete 7.0 ,JS Aero Extended 7.0 ,Kartenlegen mit Karin Krug 3.0 ,KGB`secrets (AMUCE) 1.3 ,KGB`secrets (APE) 1.3 ,KGB`secrets (MUCE) 1.3 ,KGB`secrets (SPE) 1.
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 » JS Aero Complete 7.0
JS Aero is an Aircraft Performance Prediction, Integrated Program Package. The complete edition includes a variety of point performance routines, climb, cruise and descent section performance modules as well as takeoff, rejected takeoff and landing module ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E299 | Downloads: 1252
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » JS Aero Extended 7.0
JS Aero is an Aircraft Performance Prediction, Integrated Program Package. The extended edition includes a variety of point performance routines as well as climb, cruise and descent section performance modules. The user friendly interface includes a build ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E199 | Downloads: 1290
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kartenlegen mit Karin Krug 3.0
Ten very well-designed lessons await the future cartomancer. They are packed with exercise and testing material. This way the learner can monitor his or her progress. Easy-to-understand graphics and humorous animation make it fun to learn. Soon you will ... | 0 | Win 95Macintosh Win CE / Pocke | $23.9 | Downloads: 1320
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » KGB`secrets (AMUCE) 1.3
KGB`secrets™ Advanced MultiUser Contest Edition. Self-development software KGB`secrets™ is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your general attention, visual memory, multiple objects tracking, logics, visual processing sp ...
BBAD Inc. | 1383KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $22.00 | Downloads: 932
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » KGB`secrets (APE) 1.3
KGB`secrets™ Advanced Personal Edition. Self-development software KGB`secrets™ is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your general attention, visual memory, multiple objects tracking, logics, visual processing speed, shor ...
BBAD Inc. | 1383KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $17.00 | Downloads: 820
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » KGB`secrets (MUCE) 1.3
KGB`secrets™ MultiUser Contest Edition. Self-development software KGB`secrets™ is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your general attention, visual memory, multiple objects tracking, logics, visual processing speed, shor ...
BBAD Inc. | 1383KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $18.00 | Downloads: 891
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » KGB`secrets (SPE) 1.3
KGB`secrets™ Standard Personal Edition. Self-development software KGB`secrets™ is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your general attention, visual memory, multiple objects tracking, logics, visual processing speed, shor ...
BBAD Inc. | 1383KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $13.00 | Downloads: 846
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » KillApps 1.6
Killapps is the new tool for teachers (and others) when they want to prevent students from running non allowed applications (such as games...) Killapps is much more easy to use than Microsoft Windows policies. KillApps is very simple to install on every ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E2 | Downloads: 858
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » KiloCalc 2.11
If you follow a diet then it is important to know the nutritional value of the food items that you eat. With KiloCalc you can easily find and add nutritional values of food items. KiloCalc connects to multiple internet food item databases. With a slider y ...
Inobe | 3164KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | 0 | Downloads: 889
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » King James Dictionary 2.07
Is the King James Bible full of hard to understand, archaic, obsolete words?  Do you know the meanings of `avouch`, `bruit`, `collop`, `durst`, and `emerods`?   The King James Bible can be difficult to understand for many people who are not accustomed to ...
PC Shareware, Inc. | 594KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $4.95 | Downloads: 848
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kinship Archivist 3.1.i
Display your family tree on the Internet with Kinship Archivist. Any relative who knows your special password can add photos dynamically to your web pages using only their web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, or etc.). Simply enter all your ...
Singularity Solutions, Inc. | 3169KB | Win 95/98/ME/XP | $10 | Downloads: 1291
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kiran`s Typing Tutor 1.0
Easy to use and effective typing programme Basic typing lessons enable beginners to understand Touch typing Typing practice in Kiran`s Typing Tutor is much more advanced and scientifically designed User friendly and self explanatory designing There are mo ...
Personal | 6835KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $0.00 | Downloads: 886
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kreuzworträtsel-Generator (Update PLUS) 3.70.1
Von der Standard-Version / Deluxe-Version auf die Profi-Version PLUS des Kreuzworträtsel-Generators. Voraussetzung: Sie besitzen bereits die Standard-Version oder die Deluxe-Version. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | E25.82 | Downloads: 2693
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kreuzworträtsel-Generator Profi-Version (Update Profi Plus) 3.70.1
Update von der Profi-Version des Kreuzworträtsel-Generators auf die Profi-Version PLUS. Voraussetzung: Sie besitzen bereits die Profi-Version. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | E12.89 | Downloads: 2671
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kyboma Web Page (HTML) Tutor & Script Extractor Tool 1.21
Kyboma Example Extractor will quickly and easily find examples of specific HTML elements on a page and their attributes. The program also offers complete HTML analysis giving a quick and easy way to extract scripts and stylesheet blocks for more experie ...
KBM HTML Tutorial Soft | 5314KB | Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP | $20.00 | Downloads: 837
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » L-Nix 1.20
L-nix is an interactive UNIX tutorial program that teaches beginner to advanced concepts of the UNIX operating system. L-nix includes a simple UNIX shell simulator allowing users to try out commands as they are learned. The L-Nix demo contains 10 module ...
CyberMatrix Corporat | 612k | DOS 3.3 and later | $20.00 | Downloads: 870
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » LDS Home Information 7.0
LDS Home Information is a multi-module household database program with over 45 different functions. Enter data about each member of the family, including contact information, birthday, anniversary, and clothing size. Enter and track food storage require ...
R. E. G. Software | 11275KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $24.95 | Downloads: 857
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Leadership Training 1.2
Virtual Leader, using the SimuLearn Interpersonal Skills Engine, provides leadership training that leverages the true power of game-based learning. Characters can be tailored: to respond in a fashion that is more in keeping with your organization`s cul ...
Simulearn Inc | 16149KB | Win 2000/XP | $49 | Downloads: 836
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » LeadingReporter 1.0.2
LeadingReporter 1.0 – a professional business photo-reporting toolthat can help you to STORE and ANALYZE RESEARCH INFORMATION, documentprojects and teamwork, report business trips, make similar notes anddescriptions, compose business portfolio. Leadin ...
Computer Systems Odessa | 5829KB | Win 2000/XP | $149 | Downloads: 855
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Learn Computers With Video 5.0
See how to identify every computer component using photos and videos of real components inside a Pentium 4 system.Understand all about the Hard Drive,its components and its location in any computer.Learn about the modem,monitor,and other components.Boost ...
Softsale software | 555KB | Win 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $0.00 | Downloads: 862
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
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