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DEVELOP LEANER, MORE SECURE CODE for faster, safer Web sites. Leading sites like Google and Yahoo! hand optimize their mark-up and Ja
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DEVELOP LEANER, MORE SECURE CODE for faster, safer Web sites. Leading sites like Google and Yahoo! hand optimize their mark-up and JavaScript files before upload, saving up to 70%. Until now, this best practice has been too time-consuming for most developers, but with the new w3compiler, code optimization is automated and integrates smoothly with your work flow.

w3compiler WORKS THE WAY DEVELOPERS WORK -- create pages in developer-friendly mark-up and script, then let the tool optimize the changes and deploy them in your target directory -- a natural final step before launching new pages. w3compiler is also extremely safe -- feed it perfect XHTML and that`s what your optimized targets will be: perfect XHTML. Feed it less than stellar mark-up, and your pages still won`t break! w3compiler ALWAYS EMPLOYS SAFE COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES, and you can verify work with side-by-side visual and code comparison tools.

w3compiler uses a complete JavaScript parser, making it the most advanced compressor on the market. Like a programming language compiler, the tool OPTIMIZES ALL OR SELECTED JavaScript, (X)HTML, CSS, ASP, PHP, and CFM files, removing redundant structures and creating optimized duplicates of your pages ready for any browser.

Variables, functions, objects, and redundant syntax are all minimized automatically. w3compiler is so syntax-aware that it won`t break even sloppy code.

In addition to code optization, w3compiler can also manage file names and extensions, making sites smaller and more secure by renaming files to minimal form.

The tool strips file extensions, enabling persistent, negotiable `clean` URLs using Port80`s IIS server module, PageXchanger. THE BENEFITS WILL BE CLEAR: By reducing your file sizes by up to 30%, you will lower your bandwidth expenses.

By removing white space and comments, your code will be harder to steal. And. by sending your users leaner code, your pages will load noticeably faster.
 « read more about w3compiler 1.1


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 » ASP Beautify 1.5 1.5
ASPBeautify beautifies the source code of Active Server Pages and HTML Files. Features are VBScript and HTML indention, automatic clipboard and multi file beautifying. Simply copy the ASP-Sources from your editor into the clipboard, click on `Beautify ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $20 | Downloads: 1438
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Surfstats Log Analyzer 7
Log file analyzer for Windows 95/98/NT. Retrieves log files from the host server, uncompresses it if required, generates, displays and prints html based web activity reports from it. Unique summary and detail reporting modes of more than 30 reports. Dynam ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $95 | Downloads: 1405
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Atrise Everyfind Personal License latest
Everyfind allows you to design a website search engine script for your web site, CD, DVD or any portable documentation. This website search software does not require server side execution access and can run virtually anywhere. Key features: wildcard and b ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $69.95 | Downloads: 1344
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » HTML Catalog Maker (Commercial version) 1.1
My money counter helps manage income and expense. With this program you can: Enter all income and expense at a daily basis. Create analytical and rundown reports based on the transactions. Watch diachronically the course of income and expense. The ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $39 | Downloads: 1385
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » ASP Web-Kalender Server-Komponente 1.0
... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $33.62 | Downloads: 1476
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Surfstats Log Analyzer Professional Edition 7
SurfStats analyzes log files and creates web activity reports from it. Features include: 1. Integrated report viewer and printer; 2. Summary and detail reporting modes of more than 30 reports; 3. Dynamic DNS lookup of IP addresses; 4. Control panel for dy ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $395 | Downloads: 1304
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » iPer Easy Web Editor STD-IT 3 IT
Web pages/sites authoring: easy to use and comprehensive tool. Powerful and fast WYSIWYG environment: tables, maps, frame sets, slides, mouse-over changing images, forms, windows opening, style-sheets. Html compatible with any browser. Works with entire p ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | E40 | Downloads: 1370
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Teaching Templates Single License 2.1.0
Teaching Templates - a set of authoring tools for creating interactive exercises,test and quizzes.The exercises can be put on a Web page, or run as standalone programs at home or in the classroom. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $24.95 | Downloads: 1322
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Fantastic-Multilist 3.5 Gästebuch, Linklisten, FFA Listen, Bannerlisten guestbook, hosten, banneradd 3.5
Please visit the demos Fantastic Multilist Programme Our Mission is to make your web site more attracting to get people coming back again, without invest too much time in maintance your promoting offers. With our ready-to-go scripts, you get exactly w ... | 0 | Win 95Unix / Linux /NT/2000/98 | E250 | Downloads: 10305
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » WebRainbow (Standard Edition) 1.2
WebRainbow is dynamic web page (CGI script) developing tool which is complied with CGI 1.1. It gives Visual Basic programmer the full capability to write dynamic web page directly using Visual Basic and HTML. WebRainbow using Static / Dynamic Separation ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $79 | Downloads: 1402
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Keywords Generator Personal License 2.0
AS Keywords Generator is creating keywords meta tag by the contents yours html page. It`s provide highly relevant between the contents of page and keywords, that is looks as very good for searching engines and make your site is more visited and popular. F ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $30 | Downloads: 1261
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » WebAgain 2.51
WebAgain is the premier web site protection utility that automatically fixes vandalized web sites without taking your site offline. It accepts web page data from any web authoring program, such as Microsoft Front Page, Adobe GoLive, and Macromedia Dreamwe ... | 0 | Win NT/2000 | $995 | Downloads: 1440
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Atrise HTMLock Personal License latest
HTMLock allows you to create password protected HTML pages and hide HTML source of your pages. With this tool you can encrypt HTML pages and place them on your web site, CD, DVD, or hard drive. You can password protect HTML and text files. Key features: a ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $19.95 | Downloads: 1364
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » WebRainbow (Limited Edition) 1.2
... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $29 | Downloads: 1349
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » WebPassword 5.0
WebPassword is a program which protects your web pages with password. Once you have password-protected your page, no one unauthorized person will be able to view its content without having a correct password, either in browser or as an original HTML sourc ... | 0 | | $25 | Downloads: 1371
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Atrise Everyfind Commercial Project License latest
Everyfind allows you to design a website search engine script for your web site, CD, DVD or any portable documentation. This website search software does not require server side execution access and can run virtually anywhere. Key features: wildcard and b ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $249.95 | Downloads: 1294
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Atrise HTMLock Commercial License latest
HTMLock allows you to create password protected HTML pages and hide HTML source of your pages. With this tool you can encrypt HTML pages and place them on your web site, CD, DVD, or hard drive. You can password protect HTML and text files. Key features: a ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $24.95 | Downloads: 1363
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » Atrise Everyfind Database Update License
Everyfind allows you to design a website search engine script for your web site, CD, DVD or any portable documentation. This website search software does not require server side execution access and can run virtually anywhere. Key features: wildcard and b ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $24.95 | Downloads: 1400
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » mnoGoSearch Pro for Windows 3.1.15
Search engine designed to provide search on Intranet or public Web sites so customers and visitors can quickly find and access virtually any information on a site or multiple sites. With mnoGoSearch it is possible to build and maintain various subject-ori ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $699 | Downloads: 1383
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
 » HTML Guardian Professional Edition 6
Encrypt ASP code, protect images on your website, encrypt Javascript and VBsript, encrypt HTML code Protware`s HTML Guardian is a total website protection solution. It will encrypt asp, protect html and javascript / vbscript source and make impossible ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $40 | Downloads: 1456
Date added: Sep 23, 2005 |  » Details
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