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Catalogue is a file explorer utility that enables quick viewing, management and updating of metadata or document properties associate
 » Home » Business » Miscellaneous » Metadata Miner - file properties & automatic metadata extraction, XML export - Catalogue PRO 4.2
License: Shareware
Version: 4.2
System: Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: $280
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Downloads: 822
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 20, 2005
Click here to Download
Catalogue is a file explorer utility
that enables quick viewing, management and updating of metadata or document
properties associated with such files as:

Microsoft Office documents

Windows 2000 files

PDF documents

IPTC fields for JPEG images

and many others.

It is useful for creating documentation catalogs,
filling, exploring, printing or accessing files via hypertext links. The
sort capabilities allow users to navigate easily within a documents

Get PDF Infos and IPTC fields, export

Features : 

Collects and manages
following metadata: 

Microsoft Office summary information:
Application name, Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, Template, Comments,
Last author, Revision number, Number of pages, Number of paragraphs,
Number of lines, Number of words, Number of characters, Number of bytes,
Number of notes, Number of slides, Manager, Company, Category, Security
flags, Creation date, Last accessed date, Last print date, Edition time.

information of any Windows 2000 file (note: Microsoft
has introduced the ability to add many of file properties to any file
located on a Windows 2000 NTFS formatted drive)

information of any Microsoft Office document. You can collect up to 14
user-defined properties.

Macintosh comments of any Macintosh file stored on NTFS volumes
(running on NT 4.0 or Windows 2000).

Title of HTML documents (text between <title> and
</title> tags)

PDF Document
information: Encrypted,
Version, Author, Creation Date, Mod Date, Creator, Producer, Title,
Subject, Keywords

IPTC-NAA fields for JPEG/TIFF/PSD images: Object Name, Edit Status,
Priority, Category, Supplemental Category, Fixture Identifier, Keywords,
Release Date, Release Time, Special Instructions, Reference Service,
Reference Date, Reference Number, Created Date, Created Time, Originating
Program, ProgramVersion, Object Cycle, Byline, Byline Title, City,
Province/State, Country Code, Country, Original Transmission Reference,
Headline, Credit, Source, Copyright, Caption, Local Caption, Caption
Writer, Image Type.

Quickly generates outputs for predefined catalogs: 

Interactive report

HTML report for selected files metadata of one directory or set of

XML reports with all
metadata of folders and sub-folders contents

You can generate any HTML, RTF, TXT, CSV, etc. report processing an XML export file with the appropriate
XSL transformation.

Many XSL transformations are shipped with the program -
including a transformation into RDF (Dublic
Core style) export file.

You can also populate metadata databases from Catalogue export files using XML professionnal tools

CSV export report of selected files metadata for future use by another application.

 CSV (comma delimited) file format is  easily opened with spreadsheets programs (MS Excel for

MS Word report (Word 97 or Word 2000) of
selected metadata.

It runs on Windows 95/98/ME, NT 4.0 and Windows 2000/XP. 


So far, nothing for that!


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BCL Technologies | 1440KB | Win 98/NT/2000/XP | $129 | Downloads: 1319
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Xitec Technologies GmbH | 6431KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $99 | Downloads: 1334
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
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Xitec Technologies GmbH | 6431KB | Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP | $99 | Downloads: 1243
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