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LoanAmortizer (Standard Edition) is a financial tool for loan and mortgage amortization and payment schedule preparation. LoanAmorti
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LoanAmortizer (Standard Edition) is a financial tool for loan and mortgage amortization and payment schedule preparation.

LoanAmortizer helps you calculate interest rates, loan and mortgage amounts, the number of payments, the periodic payment amount, and several other loan specificities.

A mortgage can be amortized in decades but paid in months, and any payment frequency and compounding period can be combined.

In addition, you can view and print amortizatrion schedules. File management functions are available so that once any amortization schedule is prepared it can be saved in a file for future reference, comparison or archive.

LoanAmortizer complies with the provisions of the complete U.S. Regulation Z, and especially Appendix J regarding interest calculation. It can handle multiple amortization methods, such as the Simple (U.S. Rule) and the Normal (Actuarial). It also supports Canadian amortization methods.
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FinExotics XL is an Excel Add-in with a comprehensive set of nearly 50 different exotic option functions. There are seven categories of exotic option models covered: Asian options, binary options, barrier options, currency translated options, lookback opt ...
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Get the most actual financial quotes from the Internet and display it in a graphic way on your Desktop! So, `Internet Quotes Assistant` is the right software for you! Features: Keeps track of prices of stocks, mutual funds, options, futures; Retrieves dat ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $15.95 | Downloads: 1287
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